Wednesday, 20 January 2010

A year ago today...

I was standing on the steps of the Capital watching President Obama getting sworn in;
I was optimistic about the political change that would soon be sweeping the country;
I was living in a large house in London, England;
I was gainfully employed, and financially well-off;
Our two boys attended a wonderful private school in London;

Now I’m writing this from a public library (free Internet access) in Scottsdale, AZ, chagrined by the Massachusetts Senate race (but still happy with the changed political climate and what Obama has accomplished in 12 months);
I’m living in an RV with 1/10th the space of our former home and most of our worldly possessions are sitting in a storage facility in Massachusetts (the state I will have to return to, if only to work to elect someone much better than the current Senator-elect in 2012);
I’m unemployed (happily so, at the moment) but daunted at the prospect of finding a new job in the still weak economy and concerned about what happens when the severance payment runs out;
Our two boys are now home schooled, missing their friends from London, but learning a lot on our extended road trip.

Never doubt the difference a year (or less) can make; take advantage of opportunities as they come along and never forget how fleeting time and fortune are. And, try not to look back…

By the way, as depressed as I am by the election results, I’m still bullish on life and our country (although not the 2 million MA voters who stayed home yesterday).

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